
Russian orphans ask: What are these things called “Valentines”?

Several families in the USA and other countries volunteered to send valentines to the children at orphanages in Russia and India.
Mail going to Russia often takes longer than it is supposed to, but finally the valentines reached their destination!
Natasha and “Help for Children” distributed the cards to children at Jukki and Luga orphanages.  The valentines created a lot of excitement among the children!
   Natasha writes: “We want to thank everyone who has spent time and sent Valentines to our children in Jukki and Luga! It usually takes long time for the envelopes to arrive to us from U.S., so we have just been able to bring the Valentines to the children - they were arriving every other day! 
   “Although the day of 14 of February was long ago, it is never too late to say the good words to the children in need, to let them know that they are loved and not forgotten!
    “I didn't expect that those cards will cause such interest of children! It was so special for them to receive the Valentines.  They were sharing, showing each other the cards, I have translated them all. We do not have such cards in Russia. We had made a game with the sets of such Valentines (they went in boxes with cartoons heroes).
   “Every child was taking a card and we said that the words that are written there are just for him personally - such words as "loved", “you are the best friend", "I am missing you" encouraged every child, and such words as “you are cool", "funny", and “fashionable" brought a lot of laughter.
   “Our children had such fun sharing and playing that game, they asked us to distribute the cards with the wishes again and again! Thank you, everyone, who brought a lot of laughter and love into the orphanage!”

   Our thanks to everyone who took the time to send a valentine to an orphan in Russia or India to let that child know that they are special and are very much loved by their heavenly Father!  We introduced this project on Facebook… so if you have not found and liked “Big Family Mission” on Facebook, we are here:

   Learn how you can help Natasha and her team minister to Russian orphans here:  Adopt a Russian Orphanage.