Free copies of HOPSCOTCH available while they last |
Have a friend or loved one who has not accepted God's plan for salvation? Will you consider giving them or letting me send them a free copy of my recently published book, HOPSCOTCH?
I'll provide the free paper cover book (retail $10) if you will pay the postage ($3).
You can have the book sent to you... and hand or mail the book personally to your friend or loved one. Or, if you wish, I will send the book directly to your friend or loved one... just be sure to include their address when you donate $3 to pay for the postage.
Get your free copy now while the quantities last (one free book per household please). When you click on the donate button, you can donate $3 to Big Family Mission to cover the cost of the postage, using your credit card.
You may also, if you wish, send a check to Big Family Mission, 83 Boy Scout Rd., Kutztown, PA, to receive your free copy.
If you are a Christian, you know how God has made his plan of salvation so simple that even little children can understand it. In a world that is so full of information, it has always amazed me that most people who are not in God's family have no idea how they can "get in" to heaven.
In HOPSCOTCH, little Myra lays out the good news of the gospel as a very logical and easy-to-understand hopscotch game.
If you have interest in buying copies of the book, you can find more information on Amazon here: Hopscotch on Amazon .
Hopscotch is a little book about LIFE, about life after DEATH, and about BELIEFS. Although Hopscotch takes on the appearance of a children’s book, it is very much a book for every citizen of planet earth.
Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to spread the good news of the gospel. I have a limited supply of the free copies of the book available.