
What's it like to visit a real orphanage in Russia?

     When ministry teams from the USA visit orphanages in Russia, we usually experience smiling children running up and down hallways, much laughter, and many hugs.
     It is difficult to get the children to open up and let visitors know what is really happening in their lives. 
     We have asked our ministry teams in Russia to try to find out more about the children’s dreams, their worries, and how we can pray for the children.
    In the last monthly newsletter of Big Family Mission, we share with you some of the conversations that our team from the Kommunar Church had with children at the Gatchina Orphanage and Internat School.
    Our thanks to Sveta and Andrey Ziablitsev for their report.  You can read the newsletter here.

See the hamster?  Children's pet rat was drowned in the toilet sink.